Facts and Data

Documents show another referendum is being planned for 2026.

While the amount is unknown, documents show that the Wauwatosa School District is planning another referendum for 2026. Vote NO now to stop the endless cycle.

The Wauwatosa community has spoken and wants sensible cuts.

The Tosa 2075 Task Force, made up of Wauwatosa community members, overwhelmingly recommended decreasing expenditures. The School District did not decrease expenditures and is instead asking the community for $124,900,000.

Stop the unnecessary spending amid declining enrollment.

The Wauwatosa School District continues to overspend despite the clear and ongoing trend of declining enrollment. With fewer students to serve, we should be focusing on right-sizing our budget, prioritizing essential programs, and ensuring that every dollar spent truly benefits the students in our district.

Snippets from Tosa 2075 Task Force

Previous Referendum Spending

There is a significant focus on the 2018 capital referendum and questions about how those funds were allocated. Respondents express frustration and skepticism about the district's financial management and priorities, suggesting that money may have been mismanaged or not spent wisely.

Educational Priorities

Respondents express a desire for a focus on core academic subjects and foundational skills, with some skepticism towards the emphasis on social-emotional learning and other non-academic initiatives. There's a call for a return to basics and effective teaching methods.


Respondents want more transparency and accountability from the district regarding financial decisions, budget management, and the specific uses of referendum funds.

There is a desire for detailed information on how funds will be allocated and assurances that money will be spent effectively.

Financial Concerns

Many respondents express concern about the potential increase in property taxes and the financial burden the referendum would place on residents. There is a strong sentiment that the district should live within its means and find ways to cut costs before asking for more money.

Financial Concerns

Concerns are raised about the district's financial management and the need for budget discipline. Respondents suggest looking for cost-saving measures and more efficient use of existing funds before seeking additional taxpayer support. Respondents want assurances that any additional funds will directly benefit students and teachers are being absorbed by administrative costs or unnecessary projects.